Women’s Month: Breaking the Bias
Biases are not new in the world. A lot of people are treated differently for many reasons; Ageism, race bias, beauty bias, attribution bias, and gender bias among others.
Gender bias has been a strong part of the glass ceiling women have been trying to crack for years. Many times, you see women passed over just because of who they are. Sometimes its unconscious, people do not even know they are doing it. It is molded in our culture, our upbringing, our personal experiences. This issue has been such a hard nut to crack because it is embedded in our societal beliefs about men and women.
Men are supposed to be assertive, decisive, and strong, while women are just mostly emotional. This stereotype mostly puts men in a better position than women and makes it hard for women to rise to leadership positions. While women may exhibit some communal traits (caring & warm), it is a fact that they are so much more.
Women can be as analytical and assertive as men hence it is time to encourage women to start playing to these strengths. They should not have to do twice as much to earn half the benefits.
We need to keep bringing everyone to the awareness of how the biases manifest in decision-making so that everyone can be a part of changing the narrative. All gender need to work together to break gender stereotypes by not boxing either gender into only what society deems acceptable.
On a final note, celebrate every woman’s strengths, achievements, and how they have built firm foundations with every brick today and always. We join hands together to break the bias.